Shattering the Silence: Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the Workplace
It is 2023 Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
This month is highlighted to raise awareness about domestic violence and its impact on people, families, and communities. As defined, it is a pattern of behaviors that are mainly used to gain power over another person. Learn more about the warning signs here. These can include physical, social, emotional, psychological, and financial abuse. This month, we are joining the important conversation about DV against women and children, victim advocates, and survivors of abuse—but when it comes to work, that’s another story. Did you know that, according to a study, only 30% of organizations have a workplace violence policy?
While the main goal is to raise awareness and support for survivors, it’s also crucial to know that DV can affect someone’s personal life, including their workplace. Employers can protect their employees by (1) organizing a team of representatives for each department, (2) adapting a domestic violence policy, (3) providing training, and (4) raising awareness among employees.
Being said, workplaces must be aware of their role in supporting employees—whether or not affected by domestic violence—in fostering a happier, healthier, and safer environment for everyone. For example, to further protect employees, their employers can create a watch list of people not allowed at their building and share this with security.
So, how can we make it an “October to remember”? Let’s take a leap of faith for our team during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Let us help you create a workplace that prioritizes the well-being and safety of every employee. Contact us at [email protected] or visit https://www.lyceumins.com/coverage/employee-benefits/ to think holistically about benefits with us.
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