How Do I Set Up a Retirement Plan Option That I Can Offer My Employees?
Regardless of how committed and passionate they may be about their work, even the most dedicated and loyal employees are likely hoping to retire eventually. However, recent studies have shown that saving for retirement is becoming more difficult for many Americans. Increased cost of living and other rising expenses may hinder employees’ efforts to save for their golden years. With these circumstances in mind, finding ways to contribute toward your employees’ future retirement plans could be a valuable investment of your time and resources.
What Retirement Plans Should Employers Consider? 
While seeking to offer your employees retirement plans can be a thoughtful sentiment and valuable initiative, your business and its decision-makers must understand the various options available to you. Not all types of retirement plans are suitable for every organization or employee. Consider the following possibilities:
- 401(k) plans—These arrangements are among the most commonly offered in U.S. workplaces and allow employees to contribute a portion of their paychecks toward investments. Employers often match contributions up to a certain percentage and may qualify for various tax incentives.
- Payroll deduction IRAs—Employers and their staff may enjoy these relatively simple options. These arrangements provide employees with the opportunity to contribute payroll deductions toward an IRA. Total contributions are limited on an annual basis.
- Simplified employee pensions (SEPs)—If a company wants to contribute to its employees’ retirement savings directly, SEPs may be an attractive option. Under these plans, employers contribute directly to retirement accounts or annuities created for each eligible employee.
- Profit-sharing plans—These plans may allow employers to reward employees at their own discretion on a quarterly or yearly basis. These arrangements can often be complicated regarding eligibility, vesting and withdrawals, making enlisting outside assistance advisable.
Why Is It Important for Employers to Set Up Retirement Plans?
Retirement plans may play a critical role in assisting your workers to limit financial stress and plan for prosperous futures. Studies have shown that employees who feel comfortable in their financial standing may have reduced absenteeism and increased productivity in the workplace. Furthermore, offering attractive retirement plans can be a valuable way to appeal to top available talent or cultivate loyalty among current employees. In a competitive labor market, your company shouldn’t overlook any possible way of improving attraction and retention efforts.
We’re Here to Help
With an extensive track record dating back over 40 years, Lyceum Insurance Services and its knowledgeable team are well-positioned to assist your workplace in understanding and implementing retirement plans. Contact us today to learn more about this subject or other ways you might be able to optimize your workplace.
This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.
Categories: Retirement